Wait, Didn’t Chris Rock Initiate the Violence at the Oscars?

So, all everyone saw was the slap?

Pranshu "Maverick" Dwivedi


Photo 126969764 / Abuse © Rawf88 | Dreamstime.com

I had two close friends growing up. Let’s call one John and the other Anita.

John was a prankster. He’d be the one putting gum on the teacher’s chair, and a fake lizard on the wall next to the blackboard in class. He’d also misplace his mother’s glasses so she’d frantically look…



Pranshu "Maverick" Dwivedi

Stay-at-home-dad who "retired" from a 12-year career in finance at the age of 35. Curious thinker with an opinion on nearly everything and is here to share it.