No, She Wasn’t Hired Because She Is Black or A Woman
The misunderstood concept of Diversity Hiring and negative repercussions
“That new manager they hired, she’s sure gonna make us look good on the diversity numbers.”
“I had no chance of getting that job, what’s the point even interviewing for it? They were looking for a “diversity hire” and a poor white male like me never had a shot.”
“I am surprised she got promoted over him. Well, I guess they needed to make the promotion pool look “balanced” on the diversity front. She checks all the boxes.”
Have you ever been part of any conversation like the above at a workplace or at least overheard others engaging in such talk? If the answer is no, you’re either not saying the truth or you’ve been living under a rock.
This is indeed the unfortunate reality of the mindset we live with and a hole that the corporate world has dug itself into. Let me give you some numbers to contextualize how grave the situation is before we get to the crux of the problem and a potential solution.
In May last year, Fortune came out with their latest numbers on the Women CEO within the Fortune 500 companies.
We celebrated a “record high.”