Member-only story
My 2020 Curated Stories — Part 1 — Fitness/Health/Running
A collection of my Medium-curated pieces for holiday reading!
My first year (or half) writing on Medium is coming to an end. I started this journey in mid-July, and with about 150+ stories, I’ve had my fair share of success and failures. Like it or not, Medium Curation has its own thrill and joy of this external validation we all crave for.
So as 2020 draws to a close, I will put together collections of my curated stories under various broad buckets for you to enjoy during the holiday season. There are about a few dozen of them in total — so you’ll see them all coming with one new theme every day for the rest of the year!
Health and fitness of course should always come first — so here’s the first collection with stories centered around this theme.
#1 — The crazy Himalayan Duathlon — The first one is back from August — this is a thrilling tale of my first and only crazy adventure in the mountains, and how I dodged some bullets on that journey and had some of the most exciting experiences of my life.
Read along, and you’ll see exactly what I mean!
“The downhill stretch is naturally on the cliff-end of the road (ride to your left) at a 30–45-degree slope, where your bike with…